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I am not referring to any question on the exam, dingus.


This reading is about best practices; the clear take away is that the CCO should not report to the Investment Committee as it is a clear conflict of interest. Best practices would say CEO or BOD....that is going to cover the majority of situations.


Will you agree that all entities under the AMC may not have BODs?


charlottekid Wrote:
> So are you saying a firm without an entity called
> a BOD cant have an independent CCO?

No, not at all - the CCO would simply have to report to the CEO/President to ensure his/her impartiality when dealing with issues.

Lotsa AM firms don't have BODs.


SB - but i think/thought I do understand the components.... Just that when i read about firms that employ the AMC and have a CCO but dont see any reference to a CEO or BOD in the firm, i just get a little confused....

I will repeat - apologies to Mr. B.


charlottekid Wrote:
> SB - but i think/thought I do understand the
> components.... Just that when i read about firms
> that employ the AMC and have a CCO but dont see
> any reference to a CEO or BOD in the firm, i just
> get a little confused....
> I will repeat - apologies to Mr. B.

It's Ms. B, but I doubt she took too much offense.


No worries.


Oops. Now i really feel stupid. But I should feel just as stupid -- right? Shouldnt discriminate...


Not sure. Sounds offensive though, right?

I made it up out of frustration with my performance Saturday. Or lack thereof.

Feel like every q I wrestled with (whether or not most others did) I ended up landing in the quicksand.

Im not happy that Skill clearly disagrees with me. Does not bode well for me.

Peace out.


charlottekid Wrote:
> Not sure. Sounds offensive though, right?
> I made it up out of frustration with my
> performance Saturday. Or lack thereof.
> Feel like every q I wrestled with (whether or not
> most others did) I ended up landing in the
> quicksand.
> Im not happy that Skill clearly disagrees with me.
> Does not bode well for me.
> Peace out.

Please don't jinx me like that, but good luck to you.

