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^^ shameless bump for the Monday evening crew


<< ilvino said :
At t=1, they will need to exit this position, requiring them to sell Pounds and buy back their original currency. >>

The FX dealer will not let you have that risk-free profit. It will immediately adjust its forward currency rate to remove that arbitrage opportunity.


Ok that makes sense then. Thanks for the clarification Malhar!



I have just done this problem and I think I understand the explanation now.

CFAI Book 5 p 297 problem 5

“The current yield curve is much lower in the US than in Great Britain. You read in the newspaper that it is unattractive for a US investor to hedge currency risk on British assets. The same journal states that British investors should hedge the currency risk on their US investments. What do you think?”

CFAI answer

"An American investor hedging the pound risk has to "pay" the interest rate differential (British – US int rate) , while a British investor hedging the US dollar risk "receives" it. It seems to be the reason why the journal suggests that Americans should not hedge their British investments and British should hedge their US investments."

Okay. There is a reason why they put PAY and RECEIVES in quotes. It is because the CFAI doesn't necessarily agree with the statement.

The answer goes on to say:

"If the interest rate differential simply reflects the expected depreciation of the pound relative to the dollar, there is NO expected "cost" of hedging in the sense intended by the journal. Furthermore, short-term currency swings can be very large relative to the interest rate differential, so risk should also be considered. To hedge currency RISK could turn out to be a good decision, even if you have to pay an interest rate differential."

"The journal could also be suggesting that a currency with a higher interest rate tends to appreciate. Even if this statement is true on the average, exchange rates are very volatile. A currency hedge still allows the reduction of the risk of a loss."

I think the first sentence in the second paragraph is basically saying that if interest rate parity hold then there is no cost (no pay or rec) and the journal is wrong. They then go on to say that interest rate parity can't explain all the big swings in currency, so even if you accept the premise of the journal it may still make sense to hedge.

What do you guys think?



Thanks. However, I think the argument by the journal is correct.


agree with mwvt9.

the CFAI answer reads confusing, but I think the purpose is to say that the journal's thoughts are wrong and "to hedge" in this case makes better sense.

however, I would suggest it use plain language in the next edition.



This concept is stated on the reading 40 CFAI page 316 on the bottom under "costs" and in level 2 last year.

When you hedge the currency risk (risk of FC decreasing), you sell the FC currency forward and therefore "pay" the FC interest rate (or borrowing at the FC rate) while earning the DC interest rate. In the example provided, the FC rate>DC rate, so a hedger will end up borrowing at GBP rate, which is higher than the USD rate. This is why the journal says it might not beneficial to hedge.


'When you hedge the currency risk (risk of FC decreasing), you sell the FC currency forward and therefore "pay" the FC interest rate (or borrowing at the FC rate) while earning the DC interest rate.'

I don't quite understand why the FC forward seller "borrows" at FC rate. Can you please elaborate it?


when you sell FC Currency forward -- you are borrowing the FC today and selling it in the future at a price and expecting the currency value to go down. (The value is expected to go down in the future so if you sold it at the future set price, you gain).

since you are borrowing fc today - you are borrowing at the fc rate - and you need to pay that rate.



Because the only way to sell a currency fwd is to borrow it and pay the rate of that currency/country.


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