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ZeroBonus Wrote:
> As long as you are not a raging homosexual who
> wants to legalize gay marriage, I think they will
> be more than okay with you sharing your political
> views.

I hope you're kidding and if not, that someone tells you that even the most moronic Americans are realizing that objecting to gay marriage is stupid and indefensible.


Numi, your coming from research and PE right. So I could see your whole analytical, play safe, don't alienate anyone attitude.

Welcome to the trade floor, where people are a lot more loud and opinionated. Your absolutely correct in that people want to just hear a view and see you have conviction. Sitting on a trade floor staring at a screen all day makes people very ticked and you need to release energy and humour somehow to save face. Politics come in as a way to blow off steam and make jokes, most traders usually will lean to the right simply based on the same notion that traders are performance focused.

I agree with hating on Barney Frank. I sure as heck hope you don't support the ridiculous new CFTC rules and waste of time that Dodd-Frank has caused over the last year.

Truly though no one wants you to "play it safe", that ain't for the trade floor.

I really disagree with people on here about that "politics and relegious" views could affect your bonus in trading. It's really hard for anything outside of P&L to effect your bonus, or maybe outlashing at a co-worker/client.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 06:03PM by adehbone.


Just read the esoteric sections of the Economist and comment on what's going on with Malaysian and Tutsi tribal politics. You're less likely to encounter a strong opposing view if you stick to things people know nothing about.


brain_wash_your_face Wrote:
> Just read the esoteric sections of the Economist
> and comment on what's going on with Malaysian and
> Tutsi tribal politics. You're less likely to
> encounter a strong opposing view if you stick to
> things people know nothing about.

I better not hear you bad mouthing Theodore Simburudari.

