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^^ Loved the comparison to Llyton Hewitt here


Re little Llyton, lol.  Luckily the emails have always come close to the official release time for me (don’t know if its my location, name or the fact I use gmail).  Always felt terrible for those unlucky people that have to wait hours to get the email while everyone else is either celebrating or comisserating on AF.  On the up side, waiting for the results could result in much more entertaining video as you see yourself turn to the dark side (fear > anger > hate).
^ Good idea about setting and forgetting the camera.  I guess the risk is that you completely forget and end up checking your results on a different device.


Keeping with the sporting references, I guess the easiest to mimic would be doing the waving and hand clapping ala on a victory lap on winning the Grand Prix…presumably you are seated after all..maybe to the background of Queen’s “we are the champions”…

