以下是引用tommyyxh在2010-6-7 18:03:00的发言:
你去看过书了? 信口开河?
书Volume 5 page 310 Implementation
If a hedging decision is necessary because an investor faces an increasing volatiloty in exchange rates and doesn't have a clear view of the direction of change, currency options are a natural strategy.
When the direction of currency movement is clearly forecasted, currency futures provide a cheaper hedge.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-6-7 18:11:15编辑过]
这孩子,真执着。我昨天还翻来着,书后有一个题目。说ABCD四种人都是用了option啊forward呀什么的,然后问下面有四种情形,是哪种match。no view的就是forwad来着。还有uncertain是which direction啊什么的是用option。 |