以下是引用charlescfau在2009-6-7 23:39:00的发言:
~venture capital financing stage那个,应该选balanced stage那个选项
~数量分析的一道题:sample is small and population is non-normal,选nonparametric
~fixed income:minimize prepayment risk选planned amortization tranche那个选项
~GIPS performance那个选10年
~external credit enhancement那个选insured bond (当时不知道overcollaterization是什么)
~central limit theorem需要finite variance
~power of a test =1 - prob. of rejecting the null when it is true
~contrary opinion rules那个选mutual fund cash positions
很牛啊. 赞一个.
我已经就义了几个. 不知道balanced stage指的是啥.
power of a test =1 - prob. of rejecting the null when it is true, 这题我不记得我碰到过.
power of a test =1-beta, 应该是 1-prob. of not rejecting the null when it is falsh吧.
~数量分析的一道题:sample is small and population is non-normal,选nonparametric, 我怎么也不记得有这题? 有人也对这题没有印象吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-8 5:33:20编辑过] |