4:Which of the following is likely to violated Market Manipiulation for buying and immediately selling to have tax benefit(Yes/No) and using Legitimate trading strategy to exploit market inefficiency(Yes/No)
1:Husband/wife... both working in finance jobs. They routinely discuss possilibility of clients entering mergers, etc. Has they violated Standard of confidentiality(Yes/No) and Standard of Material non-public information(Yes/No)?
5:A member put CFA logo on his individual letterhead or business card. In order to prevent CFA is incorporated into company name, he doesn't place in such close proximity to a company name and put at the bottom of the card. Has he violated Standard VII(B) for his individual letterhead or business card? (Yes/No)
4:Which of the following is likely to violated Market Manipiulation for buying and immediately selling to have tax benefit(Yes/No) and using Legitimate trading strategy to exploit market inefficiency(Yes/No)