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What will you have for breakfast the morning of the exam?

Other than coffee what will you have the morning before the exam? Do you have a meal that's good for brain activity or for good luck?

I'm having a health dose of nails and bringin some tacks for a snack...


Well, the night before, I will have a meal high in protein and carbs. This will be definitely fish (I always eat fish the night before any exam) and some rice with vegetables on the side.

The morning of, I will have a blended fruit shake with juice and a scoop of protein powder, which is what I have everyday.

For lunch, I will pack a jug of ice tea, a tuna sandwich with tomato, a piece of fruit, and maybe some small piece of candy, just to say F it!


I always have the same thing for a couple days before a big day.

probably have some eggs, toast, coffee, and bacon... oh yeah


Humble pie.


I'm doing Level 2 and will be having the same breakfast as last year when I was doing Level 1: cornflakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, orange juice, and coffee.


By the way, just a tip: eat whatever you want for lunch, but try to avoid talking about the morning sessions with other candidates. This will only confuse/irritate you and will increase your stress level.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, May 24, 2010 at 08:19AM by cityboy.


refried beans and fish tacos!


Steak and eggs


Oatmeal, banana, coffee


上一主题:redoing mock exams
下一主题:Dividend Discount Model Question