上一主题:If I file for bankruptcy can i be a CFA?
下一主题:normal profit vs. economic profit?
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Advice From a Person Who Passed Level 1 The First Time

I'm seeing a few comments about how ready/unready people are, how easy level 1 should be to consider this career, blah blah blah.

But honestly, it all doesn't matter.
Just do your best right now.
Then see the result, and decide what to do next then. It's probably not going to be late to make any decision about your career. Also, you paid for the fee anyway, so just do it.

I personally think that half the people in finance don't truly know what they're doing anyway. CFA is just a tool. It shouldn't be the end of your goal.

Just choose sth you want to do when you're 50's or 60's, and then if you decide to be a portfolio manager for example, just keep trying your hardest at CFA even if you fail a few times.

But if you don't have a strong vision in finance and just "trying out" this exam, still try hard. This can be a confidence boost if you pass. If you don't, you'll just sulk into more mysery.

上一主题:If I file for bankruptcy can i be a CFA?
下一主题:normal profit vs. economic profit?