上一主题:conditional asset class performance / outperformance or investment actions
下一主题:Some areas which i don't understand for hypothesis testing in Qbank
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Ethics: Mixed-used Research

In a Schweser Mock, the following statement is considered true:

"For any services that both aid the investment decision making process and are made available to individual clients, the firm should allocate the cost between soft dollars and the firm"

The reason I have trouble understanding this is that I see that both reasons for the service benefit the clients. One is "Investment decision making" and the other is "made available to clients".

Why would any of the two reasons above be charged to the firm? Aren't both of these benefiting the client? I thought firms are supposed to pay for what is beneficial to them.

What am I missing?

上一主题:conditional asset class performance / outperformance or investment actions
下一主题:Some areas which i don't understand for hypothesis testing in Qbank