上一主题:foundation vs. endowment liquidity
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What topics do you REALLY hate?

And don't say all!

I would say

- time series
- anything with FX esp indirect/direct nonsense
- binomial trees in fixed income
- Temporal vs current method ratios

emerging market calcs...I have trouble collating the data and then applying nominal to real rates.


FRA all!!
Alt Inv all!
Time series
currency swaps
Residual Income
half of PM


I love FRA (!!) in general and Equity but hate a little bit pensions and Private Equity rounds respectively.
The first topic I really hate is Corporate Finance and especially the calculations of the CFs, outlays and TNOCF.
The second one is Economics. Not the theoretical staff of course, but all the things that have to do with triangular arbitrages and real exchange rates. I also hate Portfolio Management a little bit, which is much more intense than in L1.


Derivatives and most of PM


I love all of it. Its like women. you don't understand them fully .ever. You love them nonetheless.


I liked the binomial model and currency swaps.can't say I have understood them fully.


Hate exchange parity relations.

Hate pension accounting.

Kind of hate forwards/futures.


portfolio mgmt, econ, and quant...
I hate them all, expecially portfolio mgmt.....


anything with currencies. and anything with numbers.

also anything that talks about numbers or finance or currencies.


上一主题:foundation vs. endowment liquidity
下一主题:Band 4 - CFA Level 1