上一主题:Stockholder Investments after Net Income
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Schweser: Dividends are translated at the rate that applied when they were paid.

CFAI: Dividends are translated at the rate that applied when they were declared.

Statement the same or different?

"Paid" and "declared" are totally different dates.

I guess the statements are different. Have never seen that distinction before in a question. Point is usually to use the historical rate for dividends rather then avg or current.


It should be paid date. Where did you find this in CFAI?


idreesz Wrote:
> It should be paid date. Where did you find this in

CFAI Text - Volume 2. Reading 23. Page 176. 3.2.3


The date declared and date paid will be obviously different but the difference in time should not be enormous, at least for testing purposes.


It has to be declared.
If it is based on paid, then they are no longer on your books. It only matters if dividends are a liability for you.


and they are talking about the currency exchange rate as of that day -- that is all the date is helping decide!

so "declared" it has to be.



I've never even had to translate at dividend on a question, but if I did I would translate at the historical rate


上一主题:Stockholder Investments after Net Income
下一主题:Covered call - Protective put