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Financial modeling tools

Hey guys,

i am a jobseeker and trying to get into the investment profession.
i would like to know what are the tools that you guys use in the industry apart from "Excel" ,so that i can update my skill set

Thanks in advance

Research skills and a more creative approach to problem-solving.


If you can Nail Excel, you're golden. If you know the basics, then move to Advanced functions. If you know those, try and learn VBA.


Thanks guys..


I posted this in another thread but I'm working on developing a financial modeling course similar to wallstreet prep but for a fraction of the price. I need beta testers to critique my work so if you sign up at valuationacademy.com I'll send you out a free copy in July when its finished.


calbears09 - I just signed up. Looking forward to it. Thanks


Thanks for signing up guys, I'm really trying to make a quality product at a reasonable price. This is why I'll need everyone's critique!


signed up...



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 08:16AM by Bilal.


Signed up. Let me know how can I be of help to you.



上一主题:equity method vs acquisition
下一主题:Sino Forest - very interesting