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Advice for first time failer.

For those who have failed this (or any other CFA exam), do you have any advice for a first time failer?

I have never really 'failed' any exam I put this much time/effort into. I was averaging 70%'s on the practice exams but walked out of there with the worst feeling in the world. I could only count 19 out of 60 questions on the PM section I was sure I got right. So I failed.

I am really having a hard time dealing with it. I've never had to endure this kind of total failure - where my efforts count for 0 at the end of the day. I think coming on here and seeing all the people who were like - "oh yeah I wasn't surprised, seemed pretty fair, think I did well" is making it worse.

How do you cope with this kind of failure? What can you do to get your mind off the fact that you just wasted hundreds of hours of your life for no tangible result?

If you didn't fail before this , you didn't try anything worth your while. Failure is the stepping stone to success , I know you have heard this a thousand times. Believe it now. You have to fail to succeed. Its the way of life.


Professional exams <> university exams. Smart people fail. Smarter people dust themselves off and get back on the horse.


i remember there was one guy in the forum who said this:"i spent my past five years constructing CDO, and I got all the CDO questions wrong". so, failing the exam doesnt mean anything but gaining a worthy experience. look at the bright side, you at least have one more year to study the stuff well, better fundation for level 3 and work!


PistolPt Wrote:
> For those who have failed this (or any other CFA
> exam), do you have any advice for a first time
> failer?
> I have never really 'failed' any exam I put this
> much time/effort into. I was averaging 70%'s on
> the practice exams but walked out of there with
> the worst feeling in the world. I could only
> count 19 out of 60 questions on the PM section I
> was sure I got right. So I failed.
> I am really having a hard time dealing with it.
> I've never had to endure this kind of total
> failure - where my efforts count for 0 at the end
> of the day. I think coming on here and seeing all
> the people who were like - "oh yeah I wasn't
> surprised, seemed pretty fair, think I did well"
> is making it worse.
> How do you cope with this kind of failure? What
> can you do to get your mind off the fact that you
> just wasted hundreds of hours of your life for no
> tangible result?
> Help?!

I can so much relate to you on this. I just have a hope flickering that MPS falls and I squeek by. But having a fail will be a disaster to my confidence and I wonder how am I going to cope with this feeling for the whole one year? Ugh! Well, I guess just chill for now and then you never know.


Any advice on how do you get yourself to stop thinking about it all the time?

I'm surrounded by this stuff at work, makes me sick to my stomach.


Now that we are resorting to cliches, I have got the mother of all cliches...

'If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger!!!! right?


Does anyone know why Level 2 isnt offered in December?
That would take away half the angst of failing.


"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan



i think if michael jordan was playing a game of basketball where they were constantly changing the location of the hoop and also changing its size he might have quit ;)

such is the CFA exam ;)


上一主题:Covered Call, Protective Put
下一主题:Lock up Period- Hedge funds