上一主题:So did anyone *not* buy at 1250?
下一主题:Relocating to Seattle
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Ah, so you might not take it right now otherwise (other than for its perceived value in interviews, that is)? That's a tougher call. I guess then it would depend on how much help you think it will be interviewing (not sure about that, as compared to saying you intend to take it at some point, though it might help some), how motivated you are to both job hunt and study, and how difficult you think the exam will be for you. $970 is not that much in the grand scheme of things and it will be good to get the exam out of the way if you can, or get some way toward learning the material even if you don't pass.


上一主题:So did anyone *not* buy at 1250?
下一主题:Relocating to Seattle