上一主题:MBA Exemptions for CFA
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The thing to remember is that as more people get interviewed, the actual job description and the managers' ideas of what they want can change over time. You may seem less attractive to them not because you performed badly in the interview, but because they have now changed their minds about what they really want, and you didn't get a chance to tell them how awesome you'd be in that new job description.

This is why reminding them of what you think they liked about you is powerful (at some level, you have to make an informed guess on this, but it's worth a shot). It's also why you also need to ask them again if what they are looking for has changed as they've been interviewing, so you at least get a chance to talk to them about how you (hopefully) can perform well in that new description.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 01:43PM by bchadwick.


上一主题:MBA Exemptions for CFA