上一主题:下载的CFA MOCK 1/2的答案好象很多是错的
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我觉得部分考题的提问方式英文理解起来很绕,跟我们做的sample 提问风格很不一样.因此需要花时间去理解.郁闷!


感觉自己过不了,如果有想12月再次take level I 的考友,欢迎跟我联系! joy9you@yahoo.com.cn


以下是引用voyagelu在2007-6-8 12:18:00的发言:


哈哈,我写的SSR指sum of squared residuals,也就是SSE

notes的SSR指sum of squares regression(方差可解释部分)


We're talking about passing, not geting top 10% results. reasonably easy is only a comment for those who put reasonable efforts and expect to pass (not to get a cold medal). I'm just not comfortable seeing people complaining so much crap. Every candidate took the same exam. It's an equal opportunity for all. And if you really want to help improve the exam, go to the CFA website, they have special channel for it. Complaining here doesn't help at all.




以下是引用x-stephon在2007-6-10 3:55:00的发言:

哈哈,我写的SSR指sum of squared residuals,也就是SSE

notes的SSR指sum of squares regression(方差可解释部分)



i took the exam in sydney, running out of time both in the morning and afternoon... I can not remember what the questions are. Quite a few queestions (about 25 in both sessions) are completely out of my knowledge... honestly I myself not very happy with my performance...



感觉还行,比book 6简单,做模拟基本上做不完,考试上下午都提前15分钟,按道理应该能过





其实考的不难,就是很多问你YES OR NO的,经常只知道其中的一个,然后猜另外一个,概率50%



以下是引用pruteus在2007-6-4 23:20:00的发言:

Took it in New York. Relatively simpler compared to ntoes 6 sample exams, particularly the morning session. Afternoon session is a bit harder but not that hard. Here are some questions in my memory.

Ethics is not too long so it's ok. We need only 50% to pass. Should be fine.

Quant: morning session is pretty straight-forward, conceptual questions, mostly focused on standard deviation and mean. And one question asking which test is used to test equality of variance - F-statistics. No probability at all. Questions are tricky in the afternoon though still mostly were conceptual questions. There was one question taking me much time. Assuming all variables are different, compare geometric mean, harmonic mean, and arithmetic mean. Arithmetic > Geometric > Harmonic

I didn't remeber too much of Econ. Only a question asking about technicially efficient, cross-rate exchange, exchange rate forward discount, contractionary monetary policy's influence on domestic currency-appreciation.

Accounting is simple, not much leases, not much off-balance sheet items.

Asset valuation had similar questions in the morning and afternoon. One question ask what's the after-tax borrowing rate for a company to keep P/E the same after borrowing debt to retire 4million dollar common stock? answer is dividend yield. The term was asked in the morning but the number was asked in the afternoon, while question was exactly the same. A couple of question about bond interest risk with various coupon, ytm, and maturity. growth rate calculation from ROE*Retention Ratio.

Portfolio management is simple. Questions were concentrating on SML, CML, and CAPM, such as position above the line for undervalued stock. And one question ask about price appreciation is mostly important to what kind of investor, "capital appreciation". This question was showed up both in the morning and afternoon without any change.

And one question ask about price appreciation is mostly important to what kind of investor, "capital appreciation". This question was showed up both in the morning and afternoon without any change.
what is the answer? in the morning ,i chosed capital appreciation, but in the afternoon ,it seems that i didn't choose that one , i just forget. what is the correct answer? anyone know? 




上一主题:下载的CFA MOCK 1/2的答案好象很多是错的
下一主题:[求助]Yield spread哪个大? callable bond 还是 putable bond