上一主题:Without referring to your notes... (Ethics)
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Who Else Bombed Ethics?

During the exam I thought Ethics was a piece of cake. I was incredibly shocked to see my Ethics score come in at a

I didn’t bombed thought for sure that I would get 70%+, but ended up in the middle.
Kind of surprised, but a pass is a pass


same here…..thought for sure i was 9/12 on ethics……and then got the results Band 10 fail…….ethics was the reason. wicked pissa


Sorry to see you failed Chuck.


i thought it was really hard and wasnt sure on over half the answers but got 70 :-/


GMAt was really easy compared to CFA


I need to go retake the GMAT(already have my MBA, but it seems people ask for this score). I didn’t break 600 on first try 8 years ago.
I got a 51-70% on Ethics. I thought it was easy until I came here to read the answers and realized i got a couple wrong.


bombs away for me on ethics as well


I thought I was for sure


I bombed ethics and I am sure it was because I interpreted stuff more strictly than required……..


上一主题:Without referring to your notes... (Ethics)
下一主题:Now taking ethics questions