上一主题:Standard Deviation Disclosure in GIPS
下一主题:Why can't I get the IPS return calculation correct?!
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jus completed 5th Schweser mock. Also did the CFAI mock. So thats 6 full exams and did a couple of hundred QBanks. Stil feeling unprepared. Also same as Yohji…im gettn alot of the intro chapter questions wrong. Scores in low to mid 70s with last two mocks. Ecos and Quants seem to be very weak for me, mid and lower 60s in those areas. Its jus that they can ask so many things. Guess its gona be the luck of the draw on exam day.


上一主题:Standard Deviation Disclosure in GIPS
下一主题:Why can't I get the IPS return calculation correct?!