上一主题:Ethics paying for transportation and lodging
下一主题:Schweser LOS32 p137-138 - Value / Growth Investor
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question from level 2er

I do remember from Level I that there were some questions that were quite similar from the mocks and the cfa free ethics test on the real exam….
Do you guys remember if this was the case for Level 2 last year? i.e. is it really a good idea to review a couple of times the answers from the mocks…just in case? because I feel that my time could be better spent in other things…i.e. weak areas…
ther reason why I ask is that there is this guy on the level 2 board who claims to have met the asian schweser lady (or twin sister) who mentioned this….

no similar questions, but still felt it was a good use of time.


上一主题:Ethics paying for transportation and lodging
下一主题:Schweser LOS32 p137-138 - Value / Growth Investor