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Register For Level III option on login screen

Anyone else have a “register for level III exxam” option in their CFA login screen? I was activating my membership and I saw that link. I almost panicked. Anyone else see this. Please say Yes.

They Just announced that theyre closing the registration….sucks


still it might come out earlier this yr. so any updates on the registration link? anybody see anything different?


Guys, do yourself a favor and dont log into the cfa website. Enjoy the next 2 weeks.
I have not yet logged in, because why worry over something that is not true. If I fail, well, at least I have 2 more weeks of summer to enjoy not worrying about it.
Until you officially “passed”, nothing has changed right? to the system you still only have completed only Level 2 right? so of course its going to show that Register for L3 link.
Do you really think the head CFA guys sat in a room last week and said ” Ok guys, we have the Level 3 Marks, now lets not post them until the 18th, but I want to hire a team of people who take the marks of the passing people and remove the register link for L3 from their log in screens but those who failed, lets keep it there”
Relax guys. The 18th is 2 weeks away !!!!!


has that always been there? Maybe I never noticed it. I got freaked out when I saw it. Thanks


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