上一主题:Business Card logo question
下一主题:Time-weighted return basically equals Geometric mean?
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Thank you guys for your feedback.
Wianek, I took a crack at those 20 sample questions. I didn’t do any of the Ethics questions, since I will obviously be starting from scratch there, but was able to get around 75% of the other questions right without looking at formulas/notes or anything.
I am really strongly considering committing to pass the exam in June. It will make Feb-May pretty painful (because I’ll still be in school), but I think it will be better in the long run, as I’ll have more time for Level 2, and will get almost half of 2013 off from any kind of studying (which I desperately need at this point).


上一主题:Business Card logo question
下一主题:Time-weighted return basically equals Geometric mean?