上一主题:Quant Methods - Practice Exam 1 PM #30
下一主题:ethical/insider trading issue maybe?
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Elasticity Question

You know when we calculate Own price elasticity = (% Change in quanity demanded/% Change in price)  and % change for both is calculated as (Q0 - Q1)/[(Q0+Q1)/2] and (P0 - P1)/[(P0+P1)/2]
Well my question is for Income Elasticity and for Cross-Price Elasticity do we calculate the percentage changes the same way? or would they just be (Q0-Q1)/Q0 and (P0-P1)/P0
I’ve just been a little bit confused on the calculation if anyone cares to weigh in

上一主题:Quant Methods - Practice Exam 1 PM #30
下一主题:ethical/insider trading issue maybe?