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FRM – CFA Level 2 Candidates Registering and Associated Cost

I originally posted this thread in the FRM forum.  Unfortunately there does not appear to be much traffic.  Also, I wanted to see what other L2 candidates are going to sit for FRM in November.
Do I have the costs right for the FRM? Assuming a candidate registers for both exams before the July 31st cutoff:
Enrollment: $300
FRM I Exam: $350
FRM I Books: $250
FRM II Exam: $350
FRM II Books: $295
Total (not including shipping on books): $1545
Is that right?   Are there any other costs?  I am assuming people buy practice exams, 3rd party study materials, etc.   Are candidates forced to buy the books at registration?
This is really adding up…
Anyone who recently sat for Level 2 taking FRM?

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