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you are right, Gottasay,
it’s spamed.
Weird, I put CFAI sender in safe list, I didn’t have issue this Jan receiving level 1 emails though.


I was stressed after level I and eager to know my results, but for this one?  meh, I’m just happy to have a break from it and do other things.


Not in my spam. ugh


Same thing happened to me…it got spammed and I thought I had put it on a safe list. Never had that issue before with CFA emails.


i never have the courage to open the email.
Longest i went was 3 days after Level I. I hope it is quicker this time around, but i probably will revert to my old tactics of  getting a friend open it and convey the news. That way, I am not alone and get a hug if it’s bad news.


The long wait has a silver lining: except for the people closest to me, most folks will have completely forgotten by the time results are released.
Right now the guy at my favorite coffee spot, the girl at the gym - everyone keeps (nicely) asking, and I keep telling them I won’t find out for a very long time. Come July 23rd, I’ll have the option to lay low or brag obnoxiously…


After Jun 1, I almost forgot these stuff. But since I receive this email, I started to worry again. Now each time I think of it, my heart beats heavily.


You have the right to work only, but not for the results of work. Do not let your motivation for action be influenced by reward, and do not become attached to inaction.


I would have preferred if we were not informed ahead of the scheduled release date.  They should just send out the email on a random afternoon, would have been a lot better, that way i don’t have to die twice!


bloodline then u will die perpetitlly


上一主题:Creating Synthetic Cash
下一主题:Past Level II Exam Dates