上一主题:Mississauga exam location in June
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If you plan to take red bull or some other “supplement” make sure you do a dry run or two a week earlier to know how it will affect your system.  You don’t want to arrive and find that the stuff makes it harder to concentrate, or raises your pulse, etc.
Keep your exercise and sleep regimen as “normal” as you can during the last week.
I always like to say, fill in the bubbles that you are going to guess on when you have 5 or 10 minutes to go.  If you solve a problem in the last five minutes, it’s better to have to erase a guess and fill in an answer than to be caught trying to fill in your guesses during the last 30 seconds and have to choose between leaving some answers blank vs getting results nullified because you didn’t stop when they called time.
Also, I liked to write down all formulas that I thought I might forget on the first page, as soon as they let us start writing.  That way, at 2.5 hours into the exam, I can refer to them if need be and not worry about forgetting them.
Good luck!


上一主题:Mississauga exam location in June