上一主题:Reading 75: Risk Management Applications of Option Strateg
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Reading 72: Risk Management Applications of Option Strat


Q6. A covered call position is equivalent to:

A)   owning the stock and a long call.

B)   owning the stock and a long put.

C)   a short put.


Q7. The potential profits from writing a covered call position on a stock are:

A)   limited to the premium.

B)   limited to the premium plus stock appreciation up to the exercise price.

C)   greater than the potential profits from owning the stock.


Q8. Given the covered call option diagram below and the following information, what are the dollar values for points X and Y? The market price of the stock is $70, the strike price of the call is $80, and the call premium is $5.

               Point X             Point Y


A)      $80                                   $5

B)      $75                                   $15

C)      $80                                   $15


Q9. The profit/loss diagram for a covered call strategy looks like what other type of profit/loss diagram?

A)   Long put.

B)   Short call.

C)   Short put.


Q10. Donner Foliette holds stock in Hamilton Properties, which is currently trading at $25.70 per share. On the advice of this investment advisor, he conducts a covered call transaction at a strike price of $30 and at a premium of $3.50. The advisor drew the following graph to help explain the transaction.

Which of the following statements about this transaction is least accurate?

A)   The call buyer paid $3.50 for the right to any gain above $30.

B)   If the stock price falls to $23, Foliette will gain $0.80 per share.

C)   Foliette believes the stock will appreciate significantly in the near future.


thank you.






covered call

 c b b c c






心中的思念 _14039


              我翻阅着手机查看电话本里的每一个人,每看到一个人的名字我都会停留一会儿,想想是如何相识的. 虽然经过是那么的短暂,但就这样随着手机里的歌曲陪同我进入了梦乡.混北京青年网
过着每一个晚上.        好没劲.总是让自己的心情这么忧郁,我以为自己想事情已经不那么固执了,可看着储存的彩信又会让我想起, 一颗闪动的心,加个几个我渴望得到的字眼,一段没头更不知道怎么就结束了的假体丰胸
情感浮现在我脑中,曾经那么肯定 已经找到了自己的感觉,而现在谁都不是谁的谁了,他是他,我是我.各自过着相识前的生活,我以为是自己太孤单 才会这么想念一个人,但发现渴望见到他,即使不说话不聊天只要看着他却已经能得到满足.偶尔看看他的空间有 没有我的痕迹,虽然每次都有那么一点失落,但很快也能扶平自己的情假体隆胸
绪,因为我要懂知足.掂量自己的分量.. 我常拿自己跟别人去做比较,这样自然也就懂得我自己是怎样的一个人,就不会奢望太多了...     我和别人不一样,和他更是两个世界的人,更不会奢求得到过多的温柔,只是有时假体丰胸材料候我真的想不通.为何就这样 不声不息的结束了呢?是我做错了什么?还是你已发现对我是错觉?那又为何不坦荡一点,潇洒一点的告诉我呢? 我也许不怕那样的结果,怕假体丰胸专家医院的是连朋友的感觉都不存在了.     我好想你,想你对我的好,想你安慰过我,关心过我.可为何这一切都象空气一样消失的那么快呢?我多么想问你 在你烦恼郁闷假体丰胸价格的时候是否会想起这么一个我,一个正默默思念你的我!!!
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上一主题:Reading 75: Risk Management Applications of Option Strateg
下一主题:Reading 72: Futures Markets and Contracts - LOS c, (Part