Ethical and Standards

[ 319 主题 / 4152 回复 ]

版块介绍: 习题、试题精选

版主: cfaedu, cfaspace, tycoon

 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 10】Sample  ...23 bapswarrior 2012-3-26 27/30572 invic 2012-3-26 10:52
  Reading 9 - Ethical and Professional Standards Sample bapswarrior 2012-3-23 6/25889 bapswarrior 2012-3-23 16:46
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 8】Sample  ...2 bapswarrior 2012-3-23 11/28030 bapswarrior 2012-3-23 16:13
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 7】Sample bapswarrior 2012-3-23 4/25812 bapswarrior 2012-3-23 16:08
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 6】Sample bapswarrior 2012-3-23 3/25739 bapswarrior 2012-3-23 16:04
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 5】Sample bapswarrior 2012-3-23 5/26013 bapswarrior 2012-3-23 15:59
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 4】Sample JonnyKay 2012-3-23 8/25802 bapswarrior 2012-3-23 15:50
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 3】Sample  ...23 JonnyKay 2012-3-23 26/31406 JonnyKay 2012-3-23 15:29
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 2】Sample 1 级热门  ...23456..50 bapswarrior 2012-3-20 492/94306 5959mai 2019-9-9 22:54
  Ethical and Professional Standards 【Reading 1】Sample  ...23456 bapswarrior 2012-3-19 52/35783 leadcfa 2012-3-19 14:26
  Reading 10: Prudence in Perspective-LOS d 习题精选 3 级热门 土豆妮 2011-3-1 5/26213 lianghuang25 2011-8-6 05:05
  Reading 10: Prudence in Perspective-LOS c 习题精选 2 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-3-1 11/28459 lianghuang25 2011-8-6 04:07
  Reading 10: Prudence in Perspective-LOS b 习题精选 3 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-3-1 11/29254 lianghuang25 2011-8-6 05:15
  Reading 10: Prudence in Perspective-LOS a 习题精选 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-3-1 5/26362 lianghuang25 2011-8-6 04:52
  Reading 9: Changing Investment Objectives-LOS b 习题精选 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-3-1 6/26162 lianghuang25 2011-8-6 05:00
  Reading 9: Changing Investment Objectives-LOS a 习题精选 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-3-1 2/24442 土豆妮 2011-3-1 15:47
  Reading 7: Super Selection-LOS b 习题精选 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 3/24724 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:30
  Reading 7: Super Selection-LOS a 习题精选 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 0/24209 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:29
  Reading 6: Preston Partners-LOS b 习题精选 3 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 1/24752 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:22
  Reading 5: The Glenarm Company-LOS b 习题精选 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 1/25050 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:19
  Reading 5: The Glenarm Company-LOS a 习题精选 3 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 0/24671 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:18
  Reading 4: CFA Institute Research Objectivity Standards-LOS b 3 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 5/24761 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:16
  Reading 4: CFA Institute Research Objectivity Standards-LOS a 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 2/24804 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:14
  Reading 3: CFA Institute Soft Dollar Standards-LOS c 习题精选 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 3/24574 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:12
  Reading 3: CFA Institute Soft Dollar Standards-LOS b 习题精选 3 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-28 18/26239 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:10
  Reading 3: CFA Institute Soft Dollar Standards-LOS a 习题精选 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-28 4/24447 土豆妮 2011-2-28 16:05
  Reading 2: Guidance for Standards I–VII-LOS a, b习题精选 3 级热门  ...2345 土豆妮 2011-2-27 48/30493 土豆妮 2011-2-27 16:33
  Reading 2-VII: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidan 2 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-27 14/26119 土豆妮 2011-2-27 16:10
  Reading 2-VII: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidan 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-27 8/24485 土豆妮 2011-2-27 16:02
  Reading 2-VI: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc 3 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-27 7/24281 土豆妮 2011-2-27 15:50
  Reading 2-VI: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-27 8/24311 土豆妮 2011-2-27 15:47
  Reading 2-VI: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-27 9/24556 土豆妮 2011-2-27 15:44
  Reading 2-V: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-27 4/24856 土豆妮 2011-2-27 15:28
  Reading 2-V: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance 3 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-27 12/28747 lianghuang25 2011-8-6 05:57
  Reading 2-V: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance 2 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-27 15/26149 土豆妮 2011-2-27 15:21
  Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc 3 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-24 14/25889 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:54
  Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc 3 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-24 12/25875 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:51
  Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc 3 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-24 16/25996 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:46
  Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidan 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-24 4/24483 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:25
  Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidan 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-24 3/24113 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:22
  Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidan 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-24 5/24574 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:16
  Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidan 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-24 9/24404 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:14
  Reading 2-II: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc 2 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-24 4/24463 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:10
  Reading 2-II: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc 2 级热门  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-24 19/26209 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:09
  Reading 2-I: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance 3 级热门 土豆妮 2011-2-24 7/24362 土豆妮 2011-2-24 15:00
  Reading 2-I: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance  ...2 土豆妮 2011-2-24 13/25784 土豆妮 2011-2-24 14:57
  Reading 2-I: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance 土豆妮 2011-2-24 8/24599 土豆妮 2011-2-24 14:53
  Reading 2-I: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance  ...234 土豆妮 2011-2-24 39/28753 土豆妮 2011-2-24 14:43
  Reading 1: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Condu 土豆妮 2011-2-24 2/24399 土豆妮 2011-2-24 14:31
  Reading 1: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Condu  ...23 土豆妮 2011-2-24 23/26947 土豆妮 2011-2-24 14:30