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correlation, simple question

book 1 page282-283 reading 11

"an increase of one unit in A is associated with exactly the same half-unit increase in B, regardless of the level of A. Even if the slope of the line in the figure were different (but positive), the correlation between the two variables would be 1 as long as all the points lie on that straight line."

sorry asking for such silly question, but i really have no idea on "an increase of one unit in A is associated with exactly the same half - unit increase in B"

i remember i saw this question in FinQuiz too

anyone can help ? thank you very much

A 1 2 3 4
B 0.5 1 1.5 2

an increase in A of 1 unit is associated with a 0.5 (one Half) increase in B.



thanks cpk, so is it for the 2nd one , the correlation would be 1 too?


if both series A and series B increase - correlation would be +1.



so the rate of increase related to regression coefficient
we just know +1 is an absolute proportion increase

thank you~


上一主题:Does anyone feel that they are going to ace the exam
下一主题:Exam 3 in book1 schweser