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Isn't it about time f2d showed up?

I'm an L2-er (retaker), but last year he passed L2 in 13 days or something. It's about time he showed up to rock L3.

topher Wrote:
> And despite this topic's insignificance, you had
> to stop and reply. I will take a look and search.

Just trying to help you out and find like-minded people worrying about a random screen name.

I assume that's your way of saying "thank you", and if it is, "you're welcome".


people love this f2d guy..

Lets put an end to it right now, and say he doesnt really do it in 13 days. That isnt enough time to get it all done. Gasp, did i just call say someone on the internet is a liar? yes, yes i did. F2d is the first liar to reach the internet.

If he really does do it, good for him, but he put the work in somewhere along the way to learn this stuff. No one can learn this in 13 days and pass. Everyone needs to work hard to beat this.


That's nothing, I passed Level 1 after only 8 days of study. I didn't even bother opening the books for Level 2 and passed with flying colours.


I passed level 1 & 2 by only writing my name on the exam.

