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Pretty sure I failed, so I am going to start again this weekend. I only studied for a month, so the material is in my short-term memory and if I don't review again it's going to completely vanish. I'm planning to take some mocks/practice exams to help with long-term retention instead of starting all over again from a clean slate..

Also, to clarify, I studied a lot during that month..I'd say it amounted to about 200-250 hrs. So please save me the "you only studied for a month so you deserve to fail" lecture ;)


Would like to but my situation is f*****. Wrote lvl I while working full time last June. In Sept started a part time MBA and was forced to take a month off work to cram lvl II. Don't know how much of a good idea that was but felt I had a horse in the race as far as passing is concerned. Still had the MBA running concurrently with my CFA studying that month. Probably got in 200 hours but studying while doing a part time MBA while working full time I found to be impossible.

Edit: grammer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, June 9, 2011 at 03:22PM by mathlete.


i'll wait for my results. if i pass, ill sign up for lvl 3 immediately and start studying as soon as i get the books. If i fail, i'll have to have a serious talk with myself as to whether i want to sit for lvl 2 again.

