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inconsistent posts regarding scores...

Ok- some are saying that you should be averaging above 70% to have a shot, but i have seen a few say they averaged lower 60s and passed the exam. If you're in the lower 60s i feel the MPS must be fairly low in order to pass. Hopefully people in here are experiencing the halo effect and increasing their scores for posting purposes. Me and a few friends locally are averaging around the lower 60s and we have no idea where we stand given the inconsistent posts... Any thoughts?

From what I can tell, there are too many variables to be able to say with a high degree of confidence WHAT score on WHAT mock exam will mean for your chances. Popular wisdom is that the mean passing score is between 60-70%, presumably depending on the difficulty level of the exam and the average performance of the people taking it.

You take a bunch of mocks to get practice with the types of questions you're likely to see, and the topic weightings and length. But I don't think anyone can say that because you got X score on an exam by Y study provider, that there's any definitive prediction that can be made based on that.

That said, it's probably fair to say that if you're going in to the exam with high mock scores, your odds are better than if you were going in with low mock scores. But I'm assuming there will be a lot of people who didn't bother to take a mock at all, or are otherwise unprepared.

My scores tend to be in the high 60s, with the occasional low 70. My gut says this puts me in reasonable shape, but it depends on how comfortable I am with the topics that happen to be on this year's exam, and how well I do managing test anxiety tomorrow. I was an English major who deliberately avoided courses where you need #2 pencils and had to take exams like these. So it's a big hurdle but I'm going to try to walk in with confidence, figuring I did all I could do, and chalk the rest up to fate and a great learning experience.


I love tests like these. I've taken so many mocks that 6-hours is like a walk in the park for me.

That said, I am right around the cusp, 66-72% in mocks. I feel moderately confident after going over all the Q&A's though. A lot of dumb mistakes. Only a few questions where I was like "what the eff?"


so if you're avg about 70% on all sections exams on qbank; should you be confident?

