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Hi All: What is the lowest GPA from Grad school that you would put on your resume? ( E.g., 3.5, 3.3, etc) Also, should a candidate tell an employer that they worked through Grad school? (That probably brought down my GPA a bit.) Thanks for the input.

Ask this on the General Discussion board. If it's above a 3.2 I would put it. If you worked during grad school, put it under work experience (if it's not relevant don't put many bullets) they will see by the dates you included.


in general MBA GPA is irrelevant. many top programs actually even have grade non disclosure policies. for MBA the school name has a lot more importance than your GPA


It depends on the industry you're targeting. Generally you don't put it unless it's crazy impressive. I had mine on there when it was 4.0 and promptly removed it when it dropped However:

1.) For finance/banking almost every bulge bracket requires a 3.5 or higher. Put it if you're worried they'll toss your resume for not meeting this requirement.

2.) I'm not a consultant so take this with a grain of salt, but I've seen a lot of consulting resumes at the MBA level that have GMAT scores if 700+ and GPAs if 4.0. I have no idea why - maybe a higher GMAT score means a better strategic reccomendation?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 08:20PM by turbolt.


上一主题:Paris test center
下一主题:Will buy Hardcover 2011 CFA Level 3 Schweser Secret Sauce & Quicksheet