上一主题:CFA Mock Morning session Ethics Q7
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CFA afternoon mock ethics Q18

Did anyone get this question right? Are there any other circumstances wherein quitting the firm is the only obvious choice? This is somehow extreme option and I am scared to choose.

Don’t know, can’t tell, wish I knew…
Best wishes for tomorrow!


Best of luck man!


This questions sucks. I don’t remember seeing other questions that tell the employee to quit the firm, in most circumstances this is a last resort.
I just took afternoon mock, did fine overall but ethics kicked my @ss


If the boss or high up management show blatant disregard for ethics then it is a good idea to quit the firm.


For Q14 Ethics do you know why the answer could not be A or B. It seems like the cadidate has disclosed everything so not sure why there are problems regarding conflicts or referral fees.


It is just one of those most likely/least likely tricks.
Priority of Transactions do not even apply to a sales agent therefore it was least likely broken.


上一主题:CFA Mock Morning session Ethics Q7
下一主题:CFA afternoon mock ethics Q29