上一主题:Tricky Ethics Question
下一主题:Civil Disobedience - Ethics
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light ethics reading and that new ZOHAN MOVIE TOMORROW!

if you havent studied enough to pass by tomorrow, then an extra couple hours of cramming will likely hurt more than harm you….make sure you are rested before that exam…
how can you not go see the new adam sandler flick? what a great way to take your mind off the material for a couple hours
what else are people doing tomorrow?

FI morning, mock afternoon, Ethics evening


Lloyd Wrote:
> FI morning, mock afternoon, Ethics evening
Yeah that too, if I have any time remaining after FSA, except for ethics - I’m done with that


ethics, read through alternative investments, read through off balance sheet financing, maybe watch 3rd econ lecture, mock, and formula flash cards.


上一主题:Tricky Ethics Question
下一主题:Civil Disobedience - Ethics