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How many EOC Q's are there?

Does anybody know off the top of their head how many EOC q’s there are in the whole curriculum? I was thinking 68 x 30 on avg. for about 2,000. Just curious for planning purposes.
Much thanks

you mean each chapter’s questions right ?
Each question CANNOT take more than 4/5 minutes tops , because its either you know it ( or can work it out ) , or you don’t and therefore going back into the material to read again.
I’d say some of the Equity related chapters should take no more than 30 minutes tops.
Questions – 958
Chapters with questions – How many of those are there ?


I am spending my time more wisely. Some EOC questions can take 20 minutes just for part A, B and you’ll still have part C, D left.


is it recommended to do ALL EOC questions, or just the ones in multiple choice form?
there are some that are very wordy, ask you to draw diagrams, etc. can these be left out or at least can the asnwer just be looked at rather than spending the time on it (which may be time not that well spent)


In Equity there is one EOC q that asks you to do a regression of returns of 4 stocks on changes in 2 factors . I bet that won’t come in the exam.
It would be a snap to do it in Excel using LINEST or in R , but I don’t think a BAII Plus calculator is capable of doing regressions


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