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Capital IQ/Bloomberg in Modelling

Hi, I’ve been working in ER for only a few months, so forgive me if this sounds like a silly question. I have a template of an integrated financial model (balance sheet, income statement, cashflow, segment breakdown). The model has data from 2005 to 2013. When you guys start coverage on a new company, how do you populate the model? Obviously you can do it manually, by just getting all the historical data from Edgar, but this could take all day to do for a single company. Do you guys use any sort of excel plug-ins that poulate the data automatically? I’ve only been using Bloomberg for a few weeks, so I am not very familiar with it all, but I know Bloomberg has an add-in to get all sorts of data, just not sure if there’s a way to basically download finacial statemnt data into excel. Also, we don’t have Capital IQ, only Bloomberg and Thompson, is CapitalIQ a service most ER shops/buy-side shops subscribe to? Another question, what is the usual ratio of Analysts per Bloomberg Terminal in a company (I’m asking because we have a fairly large number of analysts for 1 terminal, so it can be difficult to get access). Basically I live on SEC.gov and that doesn’t seem like the most effective way to get data. Thanks for your help guys.

上一主题:2012 Afternoon Mock Q 16
下一主题:Under 50% Investment, Equity or Proport. Consol?