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What readings make a good itemset in the exam?

What are some readings that are probable and make for good itemset questions in the exam.
eg. Quant - Multiple regression, FRA - pensions, Equity - Discounted Dividend, Alternative Inv. - Private equity……

careful Icarus


Reading 1 and Reading 56……

And all readings in between the 2.


Sorry to disappoint you here.
If you are thinking that an Itemset comes from only one reading/study session then you are wrong. CFAI just stops short of mixing two subjects into a single itemset (or so I think). Each itemset could test the entire breadth of the subject. So there is no “probable” reading for an itemset!!


上一主题:Slacktastic passers, how economically did you prepare?
下一主题:How do i make the Schweser QBANK exam weighted