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Possible switch from industry given economy?

Given the state of the economy right now, is it possible to switch to ER from industry? I have been with the top telecom company for 3+ years in the finance dept and want to switch to ER telecom equipment or service provider. I sat for dec. level 1 2007 and i think i passed. is it possible given what the BB banks are going through right now? I was thinking there will be a lot of turnover given what bonuses are looking like…

mike1000 wrote:Given the state of the economy right now…


Why did you dig this back up?? It’s 5 years old  lol


iteracom wrote:
Why did you dig this back up?? It’s 5 years old  lol
I clicked on ‘view unanswered topics’ and this was one of the threads.
I thought it was hilarious that the OP was talking about the ‘state of the economy’ in late 2007, back when the Dow was above 13,500 and things weren’t really too bad (compared to months and years after)…


very true.  Although to his credit, things did begin to fall apart July 2007.  That’s when the mortgage downgrades began


上一主题:Financial leverage question
下一主题:Schweser QBank