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I bought myself a Canon Rebel T3i and a family trip to a place called Wayanad in south India.. Went on a good trek for 4 hours with family
I will have to figure out what to do when (and a big IF) I clear Level 3. I think feeling would be more of relief and will spend loads of time with my parents, wife and kid something which Ive not done for ages…


i will wait unitl i clear L3 then i can seriously reward myself. (funny thing, my bf said he would propose after L3, what a darling, doesnt want to be married to CFA books. Talk about avoiding the bad times and waiting for the good times .-)) Guess we can leave the better for worse  section of the vows!


having sex every other day for 2 weeks to  compensate the abstinence for 2 weeks prior to the exam.


5 days of non-stop drinking, excl. sleep
nothing more to offer for myself atm


I actually need a week vacation but due to exams I have taken week now seems difficult to get one for my own vacation so really jealous of ppl on these threads…. Never the less weekends I can travel a shortwhile and be back on Monday morning to be bk in ofcnjy guys and we really need to treat us for all the sacrifice past few months


Just got back from a solo Euro trip (I’m Canadian). Was amazing. Met a ton of people. Highly recommended! Made up for all the experiences I missed out on studying for this infernal designation!


上一主题:Mycfa details gone?
下一主题:so what was your pick?