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Derivatives and Alternative Investments..

Is Derivatives and Alternative Investments.. really necessary to cram....I have just reached this last section and have been advised that one can safely leave it or at best just skim it as nothing really is tested from here????

Ehhhh... I wouldn't advise skipping anything even though derivatives can be a little tricky if you don't have any experience with options. But if you wanted to skim you could probably just look over Alternative Investments since that part is pretty easy.


you should expect some tricky questions in derivatives. they like to make sure that you know ho is paying whom, so pay attention to negative signs


Why would you not study everything?


Ohai, people should definitely study everything because level II and III will build on the fundamental knowledge, but if you have a time crunch it only makes sense to skip the sections on the test that are worth the least. In an ideal world everyone should study everything, but from a test taking strategic standpoint, maximize your knowledge base with the time you spend studying is not done through derivatives and alts.


ravinsu Wrote:
> I wish derivatives and AI was worth more than 5%.
> Derivatives is one of the most VIAGRAL financial
> concept ever.

It is. But for the purposes of this test, they want to make sure you can grasp basic econ, asset valuation, financial statement analysis first. Not much point otherwise.


I wouldn't advise you to skip anything. Andreea's right about alt questions on the test usually being very easy!


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