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Elan L2 will put up a poll

I have been in correspondence with Elan Guides and thought i'd share what I have learned from them:

"Thanks your your email.

We have been overwhelmed by the Level II queries that we have received over the last couple of days. What we plan to do it actually put up a poll on our website sometime next week. Level II candidates for June 2011 will have the opportunity to vote on the readings/ topics that they would like us to release videos and study guide chapters for. The poll will run till November. We will then release study materials for the most popular choices in tranches in descending order starting January 2011.

We understand that you will probably use the CFA texts in conjunction with another providers' materials for your prep. We will ensure that our videos and readings are available at deeply discounted prices to ease the burden on your pockets.

If you have any more suggestions, we are all ears. Good luck with the Level II Prep.

Have a nice day!


Elan Guides"


Finally, they are listening.


That is great news sungirl!! (are you in Florida?) Elan was a HUGE help for Level 1 and I was bummed they didn't offer anything for L2. The videos are a bit boring, but did help me retain concepts after reading the CFAI texts.


Elan is sure a rising star in the cut-throat oligopolistic market of CFA study materials. Comments from AF posts seem very coherent among people who used it and form a consensus. In constrast, those "S" brands captured quite different comments (very good or very bad) from users.

I passed L1 with CFA official textbooks only, and did not use any external materials. If Elan release L2 Ultimate Package, I may give it a try it. Why are they still hesitating and "thinking" about "releasing L2 materials or not"? Why do they let the momentum fade out and dissipate?


cfagoal2 Wrote:
> gl sungirl horsegirl

New equation to add to the L2 curriculum/formula list:

sungirl + horsegirl = two girls horse racing under the sun


LOL, nope not in Florida. A few continents away


@sungirl: Thanks for posting. I was just going to email them myself to urge them to release more Level II materials for us. BTW when they mean discounted prices they ain't kidding- their ultimate pack was $200 in jan when I bought it.

@whui: They are a new company. I guess they want to take their time to ensure the material is of a high standard.

Which one are you guys going for? Schweser or Stalla?


hey schweser until elan arrives!


are you 27 years old


Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer our entire line of products for June 2011 Level II candidates. The Level II products that we will release for June 2011 candidates are:

1. The Eleventh Hour Review Guide

2. Mock Exams

3. Lecture videos for Fixed Income, Derivatives and possibly FRA.

We will start taking orders for our Level II products later this year. Rest assured that all our products will be sold at very affordable prices. Sample videos will also go up later this year.

We are deeply sorry that we will not have all our Level II products ready for you. However, we are confident that the entire range of Level II products (including

