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Desperately seeking accommodation close to London Excel Centre

Can anyone assist? I've been trying to get short term accommodation close to London excel centre. I'd be grateful if anyone whose looking to share or has a booked space, please send me an email docdeji@yahoo.co.uk, cheers

Is Priceline not an option?


Mate you really should have thought about this by now.

That said, I've just now checked the 4 seasons at west india quay and they have a kingsize room with B&B for £150. This makes me think twice about the hotel I've booked at the exam centre..... its a helluva lot nicer!

Do the sensible thing. Dollar dollar biil Yo. Or park a winnebago outside and have Canary Wharf security blow it up.... If you do this, we'll know the DLR suspension is down to you though.


上一主题:Exam 3 AM - Confusion (spoiler alert)
下一主题:ex-coupon and cum-coupon in binomial tree?