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Something I find silly about Book 5 - Real Estate

How does CFAI justify all their conclusive statements in the text about real estate - "Adding REITS to a portfolio of stocks and bonds increases return", "Adding direct real estate...decreases return, but increases Sharpre", etc..... WHEN THEY USE THE 1990-2004 TIME PERIOD AS THEIR BASIS.

Geez... don't they read their own writing? Where is the caution over time period bias?? They happen to cite a lengthy period of a freakin' real estate bubble, that happens to end three years before a historic real estate crash, and use the evidence as conclusive data.

I just remember laughing at this in my first read through and in the subsequent few reviews.

In sample #2 one of the answers adjusts the statement to read "improves the risk return profile" or some similar statement. "Increases return" was one of the incorrect answers. So, I think they have this one covered.


上一主题:crossing network vs broker
下一主题:Anyone awake?