上一主题:include on-going living expenses in liquidity constraint?
下一主题:EP in corp. finance vs RI in equity
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Top 3 topics you don't want to see

Pension accounting
after tax cash flows and after tax equity reversion for real estate
All Quant

I skimmed the first 2 topics with the plan to come back to it after I was done with everything else. I never came back to it and now I have no choice but to focus on everything else.

Time Series (I will bomb it)
Interest Rate Trees (They scare me)
Soft Dollars!

I spent two hours today doing the real estate calcs you mentioned. It's not bad once it finally "clicks", but it was a painful process getting it through.


remember, with IFRS and GAAP...if you ever have no clue:

In general, IFRS is more liberal/logical;

-Recovery of impairments/write-downs is usually permitted
-Allows partial goodwill (and full goodwill)
-Allows proportionate consolidation (and equity method)
-More freedom classifying Interest Received/Dividends Received/Interest Paid on CFS
-QSPE's not allowed (nor does GAAP anymore - since it is essentially off B/S financing)
-LIFO inventory method not allowed (since people abuse it for tax benefits)
-Inventory valued at min(cost, NRV)

GAAP is usually really strict, and makes things more complicated than they need to be;

-Test for impairment involves two steps instead of one
-Operating leases need to meet 1 of 4 criteria to be a finance lease
-Recovery from impairment/write-downs is usually not permitted
-Inventory valued at min (cost, market) where market = recoverable amount where recoverable amount must be > (NRV - % profit margin) but < (NRV)


I dont want to see:

Multinational Operations


impairment tests


Lets hope CFAI isnt monitoring this.


what if examiners are smart enough and checking this thread right now ? >P
Then we are all literally F*****


I am sure the exam was written months ago....


If question writers are seeing this, I feel that the one stage DDM is the worst ;)



Derivatives (Except Options which are ok)



上一主题:include on-going living expenses in liquidity constraint?
下一主题:EP in corp. finance vs RI in equity