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it gives people who have never seen an official exam before, read this forum, and will be taking it next year an unfair advantage...


The reason why we can't discuss exam questions

The reason why it's a violation to reveal questions is because they recycle vignettes. I know one vignette we had in 2010, was there in a previous exam due to my memory capabilities. Believe or not, I still messed it that one up lol. I won't say which one or discuss anything about it but this is why they will punish people disclosing vignettes.

If they didn't recycle vignettes, there would be no point in sanctioning members/candidates because there would be no harm at all (non material). Stuff is material non public information.

Stay quiet and wait for the results...

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at Monday, June 7, 2010 at 07:16PM by emphase.
