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Passing criteria for the real exam?

Could someone clarify or have an idea what's CFA criteria for grading the real exam?, i am pretty sure the score should be at 70% to pass the exam but i am not sure that do we have to score 70 or above in each section.

Let's say you scored more than 70% in 4 sections and scored above 50 % in one section and above 60 % in another section but you managed to score more than 70% overall do they still consider for pass?

Portfolio Management
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there is no set score, CFAI website explains this already, and this question has been asked probably a million times (search function)


seriously with all the effort people waste on trying to guess the passing grade, they could have just studied and give their best try

what kind of r-tard goes in the exam and go like aiiite i'm gonna get exactly 70% on ethics econ and quant, then 50% on other sections so I can pass by one point


I think it's a valid question. We don't know the raw passing score, but it's useful to know if stronger sections compensate for weaker sections. Nobody can be proficient in all areas.


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