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Prediction: 46% Pass Rate for June L1

Interesting fact:
Since they started offering the Dec L1 exams, the average pass rate for Dec is 10% lower than for the following June. If you add that 10% average "June advantage" to the 36% Dec 2010 score, you get a pass rate of 46% for June 2011.

I'd settle for 40


I heard they lost all the level I exams, and we all passed. Sounds like a 100% pass rate to me.


Shooter, I'd be fine with that. haha.


If they lose your exams you all take it again for free. Happened to some african candidates last year.


yeah but this june test was sooooo much easier than the december one.


I've heard the June test was more difficult than Dec 10. Either way, I just hope I (and everyone else on AF) passed!


上一主题:Work exp as Risk Manager
下一主题:Sharpe(new) * Sharpe(current)* correlation