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Lvl 1 Dec test....realistic??

Hi everyone,

been lurking here for awhile but this is my first post. got a question and see what you guys think.

so i'm really thinking about taking the lvl 1 exam this december, and i know it's already mid-august, so i'll only have 3.5 months left to study for it. while that alone i feel is enough time if i really put my head down, i will also be travelling out of the country twice before then.

both times internationally to visit family, once for an extended weekend end of oct, and then another trip for about 1.5 weeks during thanksgiving, and i'll be returning to the US right before dec, so that gives me one week back here before the exam.

i know i will have time when i'm travelling, but what are your guys take just in terms of being mentally prepared, getting enough rest, etc?

thoughts appreciated.

What is your academic background and work experience?


studied management science for undergrad with pretty strong accounting focus my first 2 years. i've been working as an analyst for an equity derivatives desk the past 2.5 years, and before that did fund accounting for 3 years.


Definitely doable!!


You should have no problem. Good luck.


thanks for your guys input.

dec 6 it is...good bye $720!!


Life is all about choices; you make them and don't look back. Since you've a viable background. Go for it!. There is nothing impossible. Look at me! I started off doing CFA Level 1 on 12th February with no finance background and on 5th June I was in the exam and thanks to Nature got passed. It isn't like that I passed on the margin. The first thing is not to think bad! Be optimistic put in your best, focus on excellence not on success and concentrate while you are reading. Fizzle out every other thing that could potentially make you think that you can't do it. Study in chunks and plan your leisure time to rejuvenate yourself! Make it an experience and you'll pas it. God Bless you!


How did you only pay $720? Don't you have to pay the enrollment fee as well?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 04:27PM by jordanwang07.


with the acctg background, its very doable.


nightkhan Wrote:
> thanks for your guys input.
> dec 6 it is...good bye $720!!

It will be a definite good bye to your money if you show up to write Dec. 6th

