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Is a REIT associate position (sell side) in ER any different from other sell side ER associate positions in terms of hours, pay, prestige, exit ops, promotion to analyst level etc?

i am aware of the nature of research being idfferent - i.e ffos vs cfos, may be more macro linked etc etc. i am keen on understanding the other differences (not the skill set part needed to do the job), especially with regds to compensation, uniqueness and how other SS ER folks view it.

thanks for the insight - need it before an interview.

sorry, my otherpost was not clear, so i have reposted it here. thanks for pointing it out folks.

thanks tkpk_CFA , appreciate it. I am copying your reply here. but what was your exit opportunity? REPE or another ER space?


Date: March 18, 2011 10:21AM

Maybe the question wasn't worded perfectly, but it didn't deserve the (level of) sarcasm it drew.

About half of my time in SS research was spent covering REITs--and they're very different. Unless you LOVE commercial real estate (and have a choice), I'd suggest you stay away. REIT analysts are the red-headed stepchildren of the industry. Most of your clients are REIT-only shops, so (1) the sales guys don't keep up or make calls on research, (2) any contacts you make on the buy side are going to be REIT-only guys, so it's much more difficult to get out of the space once you're in it.

There's a lot more travel for REIT analysts as well (on top of the typical marketing & company management trips). Expect a healthy does of insanely stupid property tours, seeing what an office building in Raleigh looks like, a Safeway in Richmond, a Safeway in Baltimore, a Safeway in King of Prussia....god I hated that crap. But the folks who are lifers in CRE eat it up with a spoon. They literally can't wait to get to the next site and see the layout for some POS warehouse/flex space.

No real differences in most other aspects--yeah the terminology and metrics (FFO, etc.) are different, but the modeling, management meetings, compensation, and all the other stuff is similar.

One last thing--I worked at two different places, and at both, the REIT analysts were always, always, always the last guys to leave for the day (another reason why I bolted).



lol @ sitetours of safeways...
make sure you bring your camera! lol

make sure you wear a short sleeved dress shirt in the interview.
Seems like thats the kind of crowd


SuperiorReturn Wrote:
> lol @ sitetours of safeways...
> make sure you bring your camera! lol
> make sure you wear a short sleeved dress shirt in
> the interview.
> Seems like thats the kind of crowd

Bhahahaha short sleeved dress shirts who came up with this $hit?

-My friend QQQbbe, we will never forget you.


REIT earnings season is like 1.5 week(s) long; long hours during that period. Funny thing is I like most of the REIT analysts I meet, seem to be more blue collar guys which is refreshing.


SuperiorReturn Wrote:
> lol @ sitetours of safeways...
> make sure you bring your camera! lol
> make sure you wear a short sleeved dress shirt in
> the interview.
> Seems like thats the kind of crowd

It seems everything you post is designed to make fun of somebody, with a preference for poor young guys who come here for advice.

1) Please tell us about yourself and what the f**k you do that makes you so cool.

2) Then tell us how it can be, given the coolness of your activities, that you have so much free time to post crap around here all day long.


Your quality of life as a research associate will be almost 100% dependent on your analyst. If he is a workaholic hardass your life will suck. If he is cool and generally laid back you will have it much better than most and life will be pretty good.

If you can I would recommend doing some of your own due diligence on your potential analyst before jumping in head first.


quit calling out people when u have no reason to u douche bag

